It stands true that in the case of roofing, an ounce of prevention can save lots of dollars in the cure and understanding the basics of roof maintenance and having a checklist for each season will save you those dollars. Cleaning gutters, removing leaves, getting rid of moss and prevent ice dams are a great place to start, but you may still face issues and it comes in handy to be able to identify them and know their remedies.
So, in today’s read, we’ve summed up some common issues and their solutions to help you keep your roof in tiptop shape without much hassle.
Leaky roof
Roof leaks are quite common as the harsh elements of the sun; wind and weather beat down on them year round. So what are the signs of a roof, and what can you do to fix them?
The most obvious sign of a leaky roof is water stains that extend across the ceiling and run down the walls. Repairing the leaks is necessary, but it’s often the tracking down of where the water is entering is the pesky part of the process. You’ll need an eagle eyes view because the point of the water stain is not always the point of a leak.
Walk outside and visually inspect your roof. The trick here is to emphasize areas that are higher than the location of the stains inside. If you can spot any damaged portion on the tiles or shingles you should immediately replace it. But if you’re unsuccessful with the hunt, better call a professional roofer to get on the roof and evaluate it further.
Moss Buildup
Moss buildup is a common roofing issue that can greatly shorten your roof’s lifespan. They roots of the moss can easily get into voids between shingles and tiles, reaching under and lifting the roofing material off of the sheathing.
If you’re seeing a greenery foliage cover on your roof, it’s time to schedule a roof cleaning. Such a buildup is mostly on areas that don’t receive adequate sunlight usually because of tree shading or north-facing roofs or in areas where tree branches are in close contact. We always recommend having a professional cleaning done as cleaning your roof can prove dangerous, and DIY solutions may void your roofs warranty.
After the removal, make sure to exercise preventive measures to keep your roof moss-free. You can trim back branches of trees and regularly remove moisture collectors such as debris.
Issues with gutters and drains
A proper drainage system is vital for roofing lifespan. A combination of gutters and downspouts guides the water away from the roof and the home’s foundation. But they all need frequent cleaning and maintenance. They can catch leaves and easily get clogged after heavy rain. If you notice dumping water in areas in which it shouldn’t be, a cleaning will necessary.
Critters and their nests
You may love birds, squirrels and raccoons in nature but they must not make your home theirs. These uninvited guests are not only annoying but also pose a serious threat to your roofing. If you see missing shingles, holes in the soffits, lose fascia boards and gaps between the eaves; you may already be facing trouble!
There are many ways you can animal-proof your roof without calling an expert. Sealing holes and cracks around your roof is an important first step. Do not use concrete as these critters can chew it away, which is why we always recommend using metal wiring.